I want to disable "Change Install Location..." button (screenshot below) in installer. I am trying to create the installer using pkgbuild and productbuild on macOSX 10.8. First, I am creating two .pkg files using pkgbuild.
pkgbuild --root myApp --component-plist myApp.plist --scripts appScripts --identifier com.myapp.coreapp --version 1.0.00 --install-location /Applications --ownership preserve
pkgbuild --root myBr --component-plist myBr.plist --scripts brScripts --identifier com.myapp.browser --version 1.0.00 --install-location /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins --ownership preserve
In the above plists, I am using BundleIsRelocatable
as false.
And then I am using productbuild to create the final installer package.
productbuild --distribution dist.xml --resources res inst.pkg
In the dist.xml, I have tried all combinations with domains
and also rootVolumeOnly
but I am still not able to disable the "Change Install Location..." button.
Can somebody please help? Thanks a lot.
I had opened a radar bug for the same and got the answer - One needs to specify only the domain required and set the rootVolumeOnly to true.
So, in my case, the following worked:
<domains enable_localSystem="true"/>
<options rootVolumeOnly="true"/>