so I recently installed the vagrant-aws plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
, after quite the adventure with ruby versions and dependencies. Anyway, for our deployment pipeline I need to find a way to spin up vSphere machines with vagrant, and there is a vagrant-vsphere plugin on github, but I have no idea what to do with it. I'm really new to ruby/programming/devOps in general, and it doesn't look like vagrant will allow you to install plugins from local files.
I saw in the vagrant docs you can require a plugin in your vagrant file with require 'my_plugin', and I tried the path to the .gemspec file where my_plugin is, but can't seem to figure out how to work this. If anyone has help or pointers to places on the internet I can look, I would very much appreciate it :) I'll be scouring the web for a long time to find a solution.
You should be able to install it after bulding it from source:
mkdir ~/tmpbuild
cd ~/tmpbuild
git clone git://
cd vagrant-vsphere
gem build vSphere.gemspec
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vsphere-0.0.1