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Defining a suite of tests for a class

This question picks up where Haskell QuickCheck best practices (especially when testing type classes) left off.

I have a class and a bunch of implementations of that class. Something like this:

import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2

class C c where
  f :: c -> Int

data A = A Int deriving Show

instance C A where
  f (A a) = 2*a

data B = B Int deriving Show

instance C B where
  f (B b) = 2*b

All of my implementations should satisfy a certain property. For example:

prop_f_is_even :: C c => c -> Property
prop_f_is_even x = property $ even (f x)

I want to test that property for each of the implementations. I can do something like this. (I'm using Test.Framework.)

instance Arbitrary A where
  arbitrary = A <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary B where
  arbitrary = B <$> arbitrary

test :: Test
test = testGroup "Whole buncha tests"
    testProperty "prop_f_is_even - A" (prop_f_is_even :: A -> Property),
    testProperty "prop_f_is_even - B" (prop_f_is_even :: B -> Property)
    -- continue on for all combinations of properties and implementations

But in my case, I have dozens of properties to test, and a dozen or so classes, so that approach is error-prone, and a hassle. (A common mistake I make is to cut-and paste tests, but forget to change the type name, so I end up testing A twice for that property, without testing B.)

I have a solution, which I'll post below in case anyone else finds it helpful.


  • This is my solution.

    cProperties :: C t => String -> [(String, t -> Property)]
    cProperties s = 
        ("prop_f_is_even: " ++ s, prop_f_is_even)
        -- plus any other tests that instances of C should satisfy
    makeTests :: (Arbitrary t, Show t) => [(String, t -> Property)] -> [Test]
    makeTests ts = map (\(s,t) -> testProperty s t) ts
    aProperties :: [(String, A -> Property)]
    aProperties = cProperties "A"
    bProperties :: [(String, B -> Property)]
    bProperties = cProperties "B"
    easierTest :: Test
    easierTest = 
      testGroup "tests" (makeTests aProperties ++ makeTests bProperties)

    With this approach, if I want to add another property that all instances of C should satisfy, I just add it to cProperties. And if I create another instance of C, call it D, then I define dProperties similarly to aProperties and bProperties, and then update easierTest.

    EDIT: One disadvantage of this approach is that all tests in cProperties have to have the type signature t -> Property. I myself have not found this to be a hindrance because in cases where I apply this technique, I have already -- for unrelated reasons -- defined a type that encompasses all of the data for a test.

    Another disadvantage is that, in ghci, I can no longer type, for example:

    quickCheck prop_f_is_even

    Now I have to type something like this:

    quickCheck (prop_f_is_even :: A -> Property)