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read persistente bag property in xhtml (jsf)

Morning Stack members,

Would you please help me with this issue ?

Im trying to read a persistent set property from an object but it returns only one row and I have in database table two inserted rows for such id

  • How can I load in dataTable all the rows ?
  • How can I read all the fields loaded in the LinkHashSet table as id,name,description,etc...

Bean :

private Pessoa pessoa;

Entity Pessoa :

@Table(name = "pessoa",uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "idt_pessoa" }) })
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@JoinColumn(name = "idt_pessoa")
private Set<ContatoPessoa> contatoPessoas = new LinkedHashSet<ContatoPessoa>();

public Set<ContatoPessoa> getContatoPessoas() {
    return contatoPessoas;

public void setContatoPessoas(Set<ContatoPessoa> contatoPessoas) {
    this.contatoPessoas = contatoPessoas;

ContatoPessoa entity :

public class ContatoPessoa implements Entidade{
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
@Column(name = "idt_contatoPessoa")
private Long id;

private String des_areaContatoPessoa;

private String des_emailContatoPessoa;

In xhtml :

<p:dataTable id="dTContato" var="contatoPessoas"
<p:column headerText="#{bundle.pessoa_lblid}">
<p:outputLabel value="#{contatoPessoas.key}"/>

Ive tried with different combinations in xhtml p:outputLabel but with no success at all

I watched the persistent set from an object pessoa and it has values. The bag is an ArrayList

I have no reputation to post images. sorry


  • Ok, now I see what's going on... You can't use Set in data table. You have to use some ordered collection. see this question for detail.... I would suggest create a new Method

    public List<ContatoPessoa> getContatoPessoasList() {
        return new ArrayList<ContatoPessoa>(contatoPessoas);

    and change your binding to: value="#{pessoaMB.pessoa.contatoPessoasList}"