Does python contain any library to convert latitude and longitude in DMS format into decimal format and vice versa?
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
#example for : 0°25'30"S, 91°7'W
def conversion(old):
direction = {'N':-1, 'S':1, 'E': -1, 'W':1}
new = old.replace(u'°',' ').replace('\'',' ').replace('"',' ')
new = new.split()
new_dir = new.pop()
return (int(new[0])+int(new[1])/60.0+int(new[2])/3600.0) * direction[new_dir]
lat, lon = u'''0°25'30"S, 91°7'W'''.split(', ')
print conversion(lat), conversion(lon)
0.425 91.1166666667
from : Python - Batch convert GPS positions to Lat Lon decimals
and for the other way :
def deg_to_dms(deg):
d = int(deg)
md = abs(deg - d) * 60
m = int(md)
sd = (md - m) * 60
return [d, m, sd]
>>> deg_to_dms(91.1166666667)
[91, 7, 1.199953203467885e-07]
>>> deg_to_dms(0.425)
[0, 25, 30.0]