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How to convert latitude and longitude in DMS format into decimal format (and vice versa)?

Does python contain any library to convert latitude and longitude in DMS format into decimal format and vice versa?


  • # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
    #example for : 0°25'30"S, 91°7'W
    def conversion(old):
        direction = {'N':-1, 'S':1, 'E': -1, 'W':1}
        new = old.replace(u'°',' ').replace('\'',' ').replace('"',' ')
        new = new.split()
        new_dir = new.pop()
        return (int(new[0])+int(new[1])/60.0+int(new[2])/3600.0) * direction[new_dir]
    lat, lon = u'''0°25'30"S, 91°7'W'''.split(', ')
    print conversion(lat), conversion(lon)
    0.425 91.1166666667

    from : Python - Batch convert GPS positions to Lat Lon decimals

    and for the other way :

    def deg_to_dms(deg):
        d = int(deg)
        md = abs(deg - d) * 60
        m = int(md)
        sd = (md - m) * 60
        return [d, m, sd]
    >>> deg_to_dms(91.1166666667)
    [91, 7, 1.199953203467885e-07]
    >>> deg_to_dms(0.425)
    [0, 25, 30.0]

    from : Lat Long to Minutes and Seconds?