I have a class like this:
public class Proxy<TClient>()
where TClient : ClientBase<TChannel>
I want to be able to specify something like this:
where TClient : ClientBase<TChannel>
where TChannel : class
but without specifying it in the class definition like so:
public class Proxy<TClient, TChannel>()
Is there a way to do this or am I required to have the second type definition as above?
That's not possible. You have to include TChannel
as a generic type parameter of Proxy
One of the options to get over this “limitation” (in quotes because it is a by-design feature that arises from how the C# type system works) is to use an interface which each channel would be supposed to implement:
public interface IChannel { … }
public class Proxy<TClient>()
where TClient : ClientBase<IChannel>
public class MyObscureChannel : IChannel { … }
public class MyObscureClient : ChannelBase<MyObscureChannel> { … }
var client = new Proxy<MyObscureClient>(…); // MyObscureChannel is implied here