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Struts2 populating form data results in array for Map<String, Object>

Action class

public class ProductAction extends ActionSupport implements Preparable {
    private Document product;


public class Document {
    private Map<String, Object> properties;


<s:textfield name="" 
             value="%   {}" 
             label="%{getText('label.PRODUCT_NAME')}" size="40" />

<s:textfield name="" 
             label="%{getText('label.SUPPLIER')}" size="40" />

Product_name and Supplier are populated as Array in Map (Map<String, String[]>) properties.

PRODUCT_NAME : [Ljava.lang.String;@4e96ac47]
SUPPLIER     : [Ljava.lang.String;@1c90a278]

If I change the Document->properties to Map<String, String> it works fine.

But I want to retain Document->properties as Map<String, Object> because of other datatypes.

How to solve this issue, I want form data to be populated as String instead of String[].

I don't have multiple text fields with the same name.


  • Solution: we can apply type Converter to a bean or model