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How to find the actual width of grid component with scrollbar in Delphi

I have a grid component (DBGrid) which has lots of columns on it. Because of large number of columns, a scrollbar was created, and thus some part of grid remains hidden. I need to find out what is the real width of DBGrid, including the part which is not shown due to scroll bar. But Width property gives only the width of the component itself. Anybody has any idea?


  • Perhaps this may be helpful. It is part of a class helper for TDBGrid that auto sizes the last column, so that the grid has no empty space. Should be easy to adjust to your needs.

    As you may notice, the CalcDrawInfo method is what you are seeking for. As it is protected you can either use a class helper or the usual protected-hack to get hands on it.

    procedure TDbGridHelper.AutoSizeLastColumn;
      DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo;
      ColNo: Integer;
      ColNo := ColCount - 1;
      if (DrawInfo.Horz.LastFullVisibleCell < ColNo - 1) then Exit;
      if (DrawInfo.Horz.LastFullVisibleCell < ColNo) then
        ColWidths[ColNo] := DrawInfo.Horz.GridBoundary - DrawInfo.Horz.FullVisBoundary
        ColWidths[ColNo] := ColWidths[ColNo] + DrawInfo.Horz.GridExtent - DrawInfo.Horz.FullVisBoundary