So let's say I have something like this:
values = [10.0, 12.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0]
I basically want to multiply everything in the list by a power of 2, but then normalize it back down to range it was in.
This is how I was attempting to do it, but not getting the results I expected.
minVal = min(values)
maxVal = max(values)
normValues = [((q**2)-minVal)/(maxVal - minVal) for q in values]
Any help would greatly be appreciated!
It is clearly possible that when you square each value in your list and normalize them back, you cannot get them back in the same range.
For example : if you take [2, 3, 5]
After squaring, you will get [4, 9, 25]
You can normalize this in a way such that the range is between 0 to 1 i.e you divide all the elements by the largest value getting [0.16, 0.36, 1]
I don't think this list can be scaled back such that the range becomes the same as before.
Correct me if I'm wrong.