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Generating ASDoc for a Project that uses SWCs

I'm using FlashDevelop and it's ActionScript Documentation Generator.

I have a project that uses several SWC files that are added to the .as3proj library. Some of the classes in my project extend classes that are in the SWC files.

Which causes errors during the ASDoc generation:

src\display\render\ col: 31 Error: The definition of base class CellRenderer was not found.
public class HexCell extends CellRenderer 

CellRenderer is a class in lib\UIComponents.swc and part of the FlashIDE library: fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer

How can I resolve this problem and others like it?


  • AsDoc may be complicated with all its parameters, when dealing with external libraries.

    A nice way I found it works is to use the -library-path parameter; this way the libraries will be included but they won't be documented.

    For example:

    asdoc -source-path "c:\MyProject\src" -doc-sources "c:\MyProject\src" -library-path "c:\MyProject\lib" -main-title "Pong" -output "c:\MyProject\doc"

    Being c:\MyProject\lib where you store all the libraries your project needs.