Although the question seems simple, I couldn't find the answer to it.
I have a DBGrid component with lots of columns, and as a result they don't fit into the page and scrollbar appears. I also have column-autofix mechanism, which makes each column have width of the longest element in the table. When I scroll DBGrid to the right-end there is an empty space after the last column. How to get rid of this space?
One solution that I see is to stretch the last column to fit the empty space. But I don't know how to find the length of this empty space! DbGrid.Width and DbGrid.ClientWidth only give length of the component part, but not the real length of the table. Any hints??
I think I have found a solution (although it seems a little strange). In order to find the difference between column widths and real width of the DBgrid (that means find the width of the empty space left after last column), we need to keep track of which column is shown on the left now (what is current column that is scrolled to). We can do that using OnDrawColumnCell event, since it will draw only columns which are scrolled on now. Then we need to calculate sum of widths of all visible columns, and subtract that from DBGrid's width. P.S. Sorry for bad english
Ex code:
For i:=0 to Last do
if Vis[i] then
if dgColLines in DBG.Options then
Sum := Sum + Cnt;
//add indicator column width
if dgIndicator in DBG.Options then
Sum := Sum + IndicatorWidth;
Dif:=DBG.ClientWidth - Sum;