How would I get my python script to check whether or not a specific timezone that is stored in a variable using DST right now? My server is set to UTC. So I have say for instance
zonename = Pacific/Wallis
I want to run the query about if it is using DST right now and have the reply come back as either true of false.
from pytz import timezone
from datetime import datetime
zonename = "Pacific/Wallis"
now =
dst_timedelta = now.dst()
### dst_timedelta is offset to the winter time,
### thus timedelta(0) for winter time and timedelta(0, 3600) for DST;
### it returns None if timezone is not set
print "DST" if dst_timedelta else "no DST"
alternative is to use:
Which can have one of 3 values: 0
for no DST, 1
for DST and -1
for timezone not set.