We have a large PostgreSQL dump with hundreds of tables that I can successfully import with pg_restore. We are developing a software that inserts into a lot of these tables (~100) and for every run we need to return these tables to their original state (that means to the content that was in the dump). Restoring the original dump again takes a lot of time and we just can't wait for half an hour before every debugging session. So I need a relatively fast way to revert these tables to the state they are in after restoring from the dump.
I've tried using pg_restore with -L switch and selecting these tables but I get either a duplicate key error when using both --data-only and --clean or a "cannot drop table X because other objects depend on it" error when using only --clean. Issuing a SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED command before pg_restore did not work either. Maybe I have the rows in the table list all wrong, right now it's
491; 1259 39623998 TABLE public some_table some_user
8021; 0 0 COMMENT public TABLE some_table some_user
8022; 0 0 ACL public some_table some_user
for every table and then
6700; 0 39624062 TABLE DATA public some_table postgres
8419; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET public some_table_pk_id_seq some_user
for every table.
We only insert data and don't update existing rows so deleting all rows above an index and resetting the sequences might work, but I really don't want to have to manually create these commands for all the hundred tables and I'm not even sure it would work even if I set cascade to delete other objects depending on the given row.
Does anyone have any better idea how to handle this?
So you are looking for something like a snapshot in order to be able to revert quickly to a certain state.
I am not aware of a possiblity in PostgreSql to rollback to a certain timestamp.
While searching for a solution, I've found two ideas here
create database
with the template
optionAgain, both ideas are copied from the above source (I have search for "postgresql db snapshots").