How to override getter and setter for field being a relation one-to-many in grails domain class? I know how to override getters and setters for fields being an single Object, but I have problem with Collections. Here is my case:
I have Entity domain class, which has many titles. Now I would like to override getter for titles to get only titles with flag isActive equals true. I've tried something like that but it's not working:
class Entity {
static hasMany = [
titles: Title
public Set<Title> getTitles() {
if(titles == null)
return null
return titles.findAll { r -> r.isActive == true }
public void setTitles(Set<Title> s) {
titles = s
class Title {
Boolean isActive
static belongsTo = [entity:Entity]
static mapping = {
isActive column: 'is_active'
isActive type: 'yes_no'
Thank You for your help.
Need the reference Set<Title> titles
class Entity {
Set<Title> titles
static hasMany = [
titles: Title
public Set<Title> getTitles() {
if(titles == null)
return null;
return titles.findAll { r -> r.isActive == true }
public void setTitles(Set<Title> s) {
titles = s