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Controller Methods with same name

I have this method who call 2 others methods but i've an error when a execute that code.

public ActionResult CreateOrder(string action, string type)
        /*Some Code*/
            return RedirectToAction("EditOrder", new { code = ErrorCode, libelle = Description });

            return RedirectToAction("EditOrder", new { nordre = NoOrdre });

public ActionResult EditOrder(string nordre)


public ActionResult EditOrderError(string code, string libelle)


But i get an 404 because the script try to find the "EditOrderError" view.


  • ASP.NET MVC doesn't allow you to overload controller actions unless they handle different HTTP verbs.

    Assuming you're using C# 4, one possible workaround, albeit not a pretty one, is to use optional parameters on a single controller action:

    public ActionResult EditOrder(string nordre = null, string code = null, string libelle = null)
        if (nordre != null)
            // ...
        else if (code != null && libelle != null)
            // ...
            return new EmptyResult();