I'm trying to create a range selector, and can't seem to get off the ground.
I'm trying things like:
(sniptest "<div><p class='start'>Hi</p><p class='end'>There</p></div>"
[{[:.start] [:.end]}] (content "Hello"))
And that just returns the supplied html. I'd expect it to return a div with the body "Hello".
How do I do this?
Just to be more concise, this is what I've done with deftemplate and a real html file:
<h1>Not hello</h1>
<div class="start">
<div class="end">
(ns compojure-blog-test.views.landing-page
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]))
(html/deftemplate landing-page "compojure_blog_test/views/landing_page.html"
{[:.start] [:.end]} (html/content "Blah blah"))
I'm following along with this tutorial, but it uses a snippet to match ranges. Is this neccesary?
Is it possible to test these out with just sniptest
These are called "fragment selectors" in enlive parlance and unfortunatly for your purposes they don't support content
directly, though if you wrap them in a clone-for
you can get the same effect.
user> (require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
user> (html/sniptest "<div>
<p class='before'>before</p>
<p class='start'>Hi</p>
<p class='end'>There</p>
<p class='after'>after</p>
<p class='end'>last</p>
{[:.start] [:.end]} (html/clone-for [m ["Hello"]]
[:p] (html/content m)))
<p class=\"before\">before</p>
<p class=\"start\">Hello</p>
<p class=\"end\">Hello</p>
<p class=\"after\">after</p>
<p class=\"end\">last</p>
This allows you to do more interesting things based on the position in the fragment
user> (html/sniptest "<div>
<p class='before'>before</p>
<p class='start'>Hi</p>
<p class='end'>There</p>
<p class='after'>after</p>
<p class='end'>last</p>
{[:.start] [:.end]} (html/clone-for [m [["Hello" "Sir"]]]
[:p.start] (html/content (first m))
[:p.end] (html/content (last m))))
<p class=\"before\">before</p>
<p class=\"start\">Hello</p>
<p class=\"end\">Sir</p>
<p class=\"after\">after</p>
<p class=\"end\">last</p>
You can also use do->
instead of clone-for
user> (html/sniptest "<div>
<p class='before'>before</p>
<p class='start'>Hi</p>
<p class='end'>There</p>
<p class='after'>after</p>
<p class='end'>last</p>
{[:.start] [:.end]} (html/do-> (html/content "Hello")))
<p class=\"before\">before</p>
<p class=\"start\">Hello</p>
<p class=\"end\">Hello</p>
<p class=\"after\">after</p>
<p class=\"end\">last</p>