I am running into a problem when compiling the following rule for my parser:
| expr ASN expr { Asn ($1, $2) }
This is an assignment rule that takes an integer, then the assignment (equal sign) and an expression, as defined in my AST:
type expr = Asn of int * expr
Of course, the compiler is complaining because I am defining "expr ASN expr", and the first argument should be an integer, not an expression. However, I have not been able to figure out the syntax to specify this.
If somebody could lead me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
Probably what you want is the assignment as:
type expr = Asn of var * int
and then define expr in the parser as:
| VAR ASN INT { Asn ($1, $2) }
in the lexer you should have defined VAR as string and INT as integer literal too, just as examples:
| [a-zA-z]+ { VAR($1) }
| [0-9]+ as i { INT(int_of_string i) }