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**UPDATED** Why is my image not showing in my UIWebView popover?

I have an iPad app (XCode 4.6, iOS 6.2, CoreData, ARC and Storyboards). In the CoreData store, I have an image.

I have written the image to the tmp directory on the iPad. This is the code:

    //  create a temporary file to hold the image
NSString *tmpDir = NSTemporaryDirectory();
UIImage *custImage = [UIImage imageWithData:client.aClientImage];  //  get the image
[UIImagePNGRepresentation(custImage) writeToFile:tmpDir atomically:YES];  //  write the image to tmp/file

// Create file manager
NSError *error;
NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSLog(@"\n\ntmp directory: %@", [fileMgr contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:tmpDir error:&error]);

The NSLog shows nothing!

I have a UIPopover in which I display some data which includes the image. I am able to get the image from my CoreData store, but in my HTML, it's not showing up. This is my HTML:

    NSString *htmlString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"<html> \n"
                        "<head> \n"
                        "<style type=\"text/css\"> \n"
                        "body {font-family: \"Verdana\"; font-size: 12;}\n"  //  font family and font size here
                        "</style> \n"
                        "</head> \n"
                        "<body><h2>%@ %@</h2>"
                        "<p>email: %@<p>phone: %@<p>services: %@<p><img src=\"%@\"/>"  
                        "</body> \n"

Any idea why the image is not showing?


  • The problem is that you're attempting to use an <img> element but you're filling in its src attribute with the value of a transformable Core Data attribute. These don't work the same way-- img expects a URL pointing to an image, and your attribute is providing a UIImage.

    The most straightforward way to deal with this is to write the image to a file and then make the img tag point at that file.

    You might also be able to make this work by using something like <img src="..." instead of what you have, assuming you can get the formatting correct. You probably want the raw un-transformed NSData object rather than the UIImage. This is probably a little more work, but avoids writing temporary image files.