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textscan strange behaviour in matlab

I have a code that i'm trying to run in matlab, it gives an error in textscan function as it can't split a string on a delimiter, although i'm sure the code works on other versions of matlab (on other computer)

>> a='ahmed;mohamed'

a =


>> b = textscan(a, '%s;%s', 'Delimiter', ';')

b = 

    {1x1 cell}    {0x1 cell}

>> b{1}

ans = 


>> b{2}

ans = 

   Empty cell array: 0-by-1

Can some one explain Why this is happening ? is there a recent change in textscan function ? i'm using matlab 2013


  • This works:

    str = 'ahmed;mohamed';
    C = textscan(str, '%s', 'Delimiter',';', 'CollectOutput',true);
    C = C{1};


    >> C
    C = 