I want to require users to enter a 'passphrase' since they are more secure than typical passwords people come up with.
I'm using
int numberOfWords = password.collect {
it.charAt(0).digit || it.charAt(0).letter ? it : ' '
}.join('').tokenize(' ').size()
numberOfWords >= 3
To make sure that the user creates as password containing at least 3 words to ensure security. How would I include this logic in my constraints? I tried making this into a method then just calling the method inside of constraints, but it's not working.
Assuming your logic/code is correct, you could include the constraint like so.
static constraints = {
password blank: false, validator: { value, obj ->
int numberOfWords = value.collect {....//your logic/code
if(numberOfWords < 3) {
//returns custom error msg with this key in message.properties
return 'className.propertyName.passphrase.validation.msg'
Here's a link to validator info