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unexpected End of File error in if else statement

I keep getting unexpected End of file error while running a if else statement

#! /bin/bash
echo -e "1: Proband\n 2: mincount\n Enter an option:"
read promin
echo $promin
if ($promin == 1) then
echo -e "Enter the proband file name\n"
read proband_file
echo "$proband_file"
if ($promin == 2) then
echo -e "enter the min count number\n"
read mincount
echo "$mincount mincount"

I tried fi instead of elseif too. But i still get the same error. Can someone help me fix that?



    The if is syntax is not correct. In the if there should be a program ( internal or external) run, which returns an exit code. If it is 0 then if is true, otherwise it is false. You can use grep or any other utility, like test or /usr/bin/[. But has a built-in test and [.

    So [ "$var" -eq 1 ] returns 0 if $var equals 1, or return 1 if $var not equals 1.

    In your case I would suggest to use case instead of if-then-elif-else-fi notation.

    case $x in 
    1) something;;
    2) other;;
    *) echo "Error"; exit 1;;

    Or even use select. Example:

    PS3="Enter an option: "
    select promin in "Proband" "mincount";do [ -n "$promin" ] && break; done
    echo $promin
    case "$promin" in
      Proband) read -p "Enter the proband file name: " proband_file; echo "$proband_file";;
      mincount) read -p "Enter the min count number: " mincount; echo "$mincount mincount";;
      *) echo Error; exit 1;;

    This will print the "Enter an option: " prompt and wait until a proper answer is presented (1 or 2 or ^D - to finish the input).

    1) Proband
    2) mincount
    Enter an option: _

    Then it checks the answer in the case part. Meanwhile $promin contains the string, $REPLY contains the entered answer. It also can be used in case.