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iOS - Limit Pinch to Zoom using CGAfineTransform

I'm trying to set a max and a min limit to the zooming when I use the pinch to zoom gesture

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(recognizer.scale, recognizer.scale);
NSLog(@"Pinch scale: %f", recognizer.scale);
float scale = recognizer.scale;
float SCALE_MIN = 1.0f;
float SCALE_MAX = 3.0f;

if (SCALE_MIN < scale < SCALE_MAX) {
    self.view.transform = transform;

else {


The logic behind this, was that it would only zoom if the condition was satisfied

but this just zooms endlessly.


  • C is not Python. The < operator is binary and left-associative, so

    SCALE_MIN < scale < SCALE_MAX

    is parsed as

    (SCALE_MIN < scale) < SCALE_MAX

    The left hand side is either 1 or 0 (true or false), which is always smaller than SCALE_MAX (which is 3). So your condition is always true. (Did you not get a compiler warning regarding that?)

    Hint: you need to use the logical AND (&&) operator to combine the two conditions.