I wrote a Macro, which should take two Dates (dd.mm.yyyy) as a String from a table in an OpenOffice Document (Writer, not Calc). These two Dates should be merged to this: ddmmyyyy-ddmmyyyy. This should be used as the filename then.
The Table has only one row and 6 columns, the first Date being in table2:D1:D1 and the second one in table2:F1:F1. I "translated" this to table2(1, 4) and table2(1, 6)
This German site is doing what I want to do, but with spreadsheets in a OOCalc Document and not OOWriter.
Enough talk, here is my code:
sub save
sStartDate = oDoc.Table2(1, 4)
sEndDate = oDoc.Table2(1, 6))
sFilename = sStartDate.String & sEndDate.String
sURL = ConvertToURL("file:///home/cp/Documents/" & sFilename & ".odt")
msgbox sURL
' oDoc.StoreAsURL(sURL, Array())
end sub
Yes, I run linux, so the path should be correct. When I try to run this script it says:
Property or Method not found table2
I of course tried google but somehow I could not find a solution. A hint in the right direction could be enough, I also guessed I have to write "more":
sStartDate = oDoc.getString(table2(1, 4))
or something similar. Didnt work either. Another thing I tried was using (0, 3) instead of (1, 4).
Well I would appreciate it, if someone could help me a bit! :) And I hope I have done everything right how I posted here.
EDIT: I have now modified the script to this, according to the PDF found HERE in chapter 14.9.
It now looks like this,
sub save
Dim oTable
Dim sTableName As String
sTableName = "Table2"
oTable = oDoc.getTextTables().getByName(sTableName)
' oTable = oTables.getByName(sTableName)
sStartDate = oTable.getCellByPosition(0, 3)
sEndDate = oTable.getCellByPosition(0, 5)
sFilename = sStartDate.String & sEndDate.String
sURL = ConvertToURL("file:///home/cp/Documents/" & sFilename & ".odt")
msgbox sURL
' oDoc.StoreAsURL(sURL, Array())
end sub
But, still not working. Now I get this exception IndexOutOfBoundsException. (I wanted to link it, but it says, I cant post more than 2 links :-( )
My first thought was I had to change the cels to 0, 3 and 0, 5. After changing that, the error still occurs. :-(
Edit2: Since I got no response, I think I will try this in Python, maybe it yields better results.
This code demonstrates how to locate a text table with the given name and how to access individual cells.
function get_table_by_name(name as string) as object
dim oenum as object
dim oelem as object
oenum = thisComponent.text.createEnumeration
while oenum.hasMoreelements
oelem = oenum.nextElement
if oelem.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextTable") then
if oelem.Name = name then
get_table_by_name = oelem
exit function
end if
end if
end function
Sub Main
dim table as object
table = get_table_by_name("Table1")
if not isNull(table) then
msgbox "Got " & table.Name & " " & table.getRows().getCount() & "x" & table.getColumns().getCount()
msgbox "Cell[0,0] is " & table.getCellByPosition(0, 0).getString()
end if
End Sub