I'm trying to get the TEB of a 64 remote thread in Windows 8.
Following the definition from here, I do this:
sz = sizeof(NTSTATUS) + sizeof(PTEB) + sizeof(HANDLE) + sizeof(HANDLE) + sizeof(ULONG_PTR) + sizeof(LONG) + sizeof(LONG);
infoBuff = malloc(sz);
stat = NtQueryInformationThread(mainThread, (THREADINFOCLASS) 0, infoBuff, sz, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(stat)) {
printf ("ERROR (code 0x%x): Cannot get information about about the main TEB. \n", stat);
return 1;
If I compile for 32bit, sz is 0x1C and the call returns succesfully. If I compile for 64bit, sz is 0x2C but the call returns status 0xC0000004:STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH.
Any ideea what is the right size of _THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION on 64 bit targets? Or maybe an alternate way of getting a remote TEB?
Thanks, Alex
There's padding in the struct which you are not allowing for that, hence the STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH
The easiest and most reliable way to find out the size of the struct is to get the compiler to work it out:
Anyway, you can work it out by hand readily enough:
Type Name Offset Size ---- ---- ------ ---- NTSTATUS ExitStatus; 0 4 Padding 4 4 PVOID TebBaseAddress; 8 8 CLIENT_ID ClientId; 16 16 KAFFINITY AffinityMask; 32 8 KPRIORITY Priority; 40 4 KPRIORITY BasePriority; 44 4
So that would make the total size of the struct 48 bytes, or 0x30
The padding is to ensure that TebBaseAddress
is 8 byte aligned.