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Sending OSC message bundles from C# and receiving in Processing got weird address pattern and errors

I am relatively new to programming, so please excuse me if the question is stupid. I am now working on a project which involves Kinect. I am using C# to extract the live joint information (such as position and orientation) and then sending the data into Processing using OSC message -Udp protocal. I sent OSC message bundle from C# the problem is I don't know how to dispatch the message to what I want in Processing. Or possibly, I sent the data in a wrong format in C#. I would be very appreciate if someone can tell me what could possible gone wrong in the code and caused the errors.

I send the joint position from C# by using these code:

    if (joint0.JointType == JointType.ElbowRight)
        // distance in meter
        String temp = "ElbowRight   " + joint0.Position.X * 1000 + "    " + joint0.Position.Y * 1000 + "    " + joint0.Position.Z * 1000;
        OscElement message = new OscElement("/joint/" + joint0.JointType.ToString(), joint0.Position.X * 1000, joint0.Position.Y * 1000, joint0.Position.Z, joint0.TrackingState.ToString());
    OscSender.Send(bundle);   // send message bundle

The part,"/joint/", is the address pattern of the message. The following data are the arguments of the message. According to a OSC type tag string should be added following to the address pattern, which is an OSC-string beginning with the character ',' (comma) followed by a sequence of characters corresponding exactly to the sequence of OSC Arguments in the given message. However when I tried this, a format exception was caused and the error was reported as: Invalid character (\44). What I did was simply added ",s" to the OSC message:

OscElement message = new OscElement("/joint/" + ",s" + joint0.JointType.ToString(), joint0.Position.X * 1000, joint0.Position.Y * 1000, joint0.Position.Z, joint0.TrackingState.ToString());

How do I suppose to add the type tag? Can this be the reason that caused the following errors?

In my Processing code, I tried to get the joint position value by using these code:

  if(theOscMessage.checkAddrPattern("/joint")==true) {
      String firstValue = theOscMessage.get(0).stringValue(); 
      float xosc = theOscMessage.get(1).floatValue(); // get the second osc argument
      float yosc = theOscMessage.get(2).floatValue(); // get the second osc argument
      float zosc = theOscMessage.get(3).floatValue(); // get the second osc argument
      String thirdValue = theOscMessage.get(4).stringValue(); // get the third osc argument
      println("### values: "+xosc+", "+xosc+", "+zosc);

However I got this error: [2013/6/16 20:20:53] ERROR @ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Than I tied receiving the messaging using a example given in Processing, which displays the address pattern and type tag of the massage:


It printed out this:

addrpattern pundle typetag u???N?N?$xlt???

I dont understand what's wrong with the code. Souldn't the address pattern be "joint"? or at least "bundle"? What is the pundle...

P.s. I am using Visual C# 2010 Express and Processing 2.0b9 64bit on a Win7 os computer.

Thank you so much for the help!

Update: Although I still can't figure out how to solve this problem, I found a way to receive messages in Processing. Instead of using OSC bundle, I am sending Osc messages with different address pattern. then use message plug (e.g. oscP5.plug(this,”leftFoot”,”/joint/AnkleLeft”);) in the draw method. Then create a method called leftFoot

public void leftFoot(float fx, float fy, float fz, String state) {
  println("Received: "+fx+", "+fy+", "+fz+", "+state);  

Then you can see the data being print out. p.s. in C# the OSC message was send using:

OscElement message = new OscElement("/joint" + "/" + joint0.JointType.ToString(), joint0.Position.X * 1000, joint0.Position.Y * 1000, joint0.Position.Z, joint0.TrackingState.ToString());


  • Hmmm... not sure exactly, but you could just use OSCeleton. It comes with a Processing example - I've used it before, and it works fine.

    (the example may also help you understand how to use the OSC address patterns correctly... )