I have a git project, we will call it 'A', that has a submodule, which we will call 'B'. I have been following the guide from, http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules, and all of the questions here on stackoverflow, but I cannot seem to get project 'A' to change the commit reference for project 'B'. I need help figuring out what I am doing wrong. Here is an example command input/output sequence:
A $> git status
# On branch company
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
A $> cd 'B'
B $> git pull origin master
From https://github.com/company/B
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating bfab259..04e69cf
Capfile | 45 ++++++++---
Gemfile | 3 +-
Rakefile | 86 +++++++++++++------
config/deploy.rb | 15 +++-
config/dev.properties | 3 -
config/local.properties | 45 ++---------
config/prod.properties | 44 ----------
config/production.properties | 15 ++++
config/staging.properties | 44 ++--------
config/company.properties | 41 ---------
config/company_test.properties | 48 -----------
.../kafka/producers/Manager.java | 33 ++++++--
.../kafka/producers/http/SysomosClient.java | 4 +-
13 files changed, 164 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 config/dev.properties
delete mode 100644 config/prod.properties
create mode 100644 config/production.properties
delete mode 100644 config/company.properties
delete mode 100644 config/company_test.properties
B $> cd ..
A $> git submodule update
Submodule path 'infochimps-deploy': checked out 'bfab2595257ea01722566495997376c47794a5ee'
A $> git commit -a -m "Updated submodule"
# On branch company
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
I am obviously able to pull the new code into the submodule, but when every I update the submodule, it reports the old hash (bfab2595257ea01722566495997376c47794a5ee) still, and when I try to commit after the update git tells me there is nothing to commit.
I am not very experienced with git and could use some help figuring out what I have done wrong. Thanks for the help.
git submodule update
is used to keep module up to date with version in your repository.
In order to update to a newest version from native submodule repo, cd to submodule directory, pull and commit.
To bring all submodules up to date, you can do:
git submodule foreach git pull