I have a couple pages that share a layout. I am adding some new pages that are going to be using angular. I am trying to find out how to set it up the template so in the child pages I can add to the html
elements attribute a ng-app='xyz'
<html lang="en" >
would love to just do child.gsp -
<html ng-app='angularApp'>
<meta name="layout" content="layout">
But obv, that doesn't work. Is there any easy way to achieve this ?
Is there a way to use the content pattern? I tried...
<meta name="angularApp" content="angularApp"/>
<html lang="en" <% meta(name: 'angularApp')? "ng-app='${meta(name: 'angularApp')}'":"" %> >
But it just results in nothing...
In _layout.gsp that is being used by your view:
<html lang="en" ${pageProperty(name:'page.ngapp')} > ...... </html>
Then you will be able to alter the value in subsequent gsp views that use previous layout:
<content tag="ngapp">ng-app='angularApp'</content>
EDIT: In newer version of grails that I was using (2.4.4) I had to specify the attribute - value combination without quotes:
<content tag="ngapp">ng-app=angularApp</content>
Finally the rendered view will have whatever you wanted there to be:
<html lang="en" ng-app="angularApp" > ..... </html>