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Sending output of 2 rsync commands in a bash script

I'm using an existing bash script and want to send the output of 2 rsync commmands so that it is passed to a variable which will then be used later, See below,

rfiles=$(rsync -rvlpogt /svntags/tags/ /var/www/html/) && $(rsync -rvlpogt /svnbranch/branches/ /var/www/html/)
newfil=$(echo $rfiles | grep -c "Number of files transferred: 0")

However, I only get the output of the 1st rsync sent to my mail. How do include the output of the 2nd rsync command as well along with the first?

Thank you.


  • The problem is with how your assignment is written. It's breaking up your line:

    rfiles=$(rsync -rvlpogt /svntags/tags/ /var/www/html/) && $(rsync -rvlpogt /svnbranch/branches/ /var/www/html/)

    into rfiles=$(rsync -rvlpogt /svntags/tags/ /var/www/html/) && $(rsync -rvlpogt /svnbranch/branches/ /var/www/html/)

    Thus you get the output of just the first command in the variable. You'll need to change the command to

    rfiles=$(rsync -rvlpogt /svntags/tags/ /var/www/html/ && rsync -rvlpogt /svnbranch/branches/ /var/www/html/)

    To illustrate with another example:

    samveen@precise:~$ a=$(echo 10) && $(echo 20)
    -bash: 20: command not found
    samveen@precise:~$ echo $a