I am seeing this behavior for Chrome on a Mac (haven't tested it on Windows yet). Also, as this work is for a chrome extension, I am okay with getting a solution that is relevant for Chrome only (does not have to work cross-browser for now).
Issue: The browser seems to be drawing the "outline" differently around elements depending on whether the outline-style is "auto" or not.
When drawing an outline around an tag that is the parent of an "img", for something like this:
<a href="image.com">
<img class="profile_photo_img" src="imageSrc.jpeg" width="50" alt="Steve Jobs" height="50">
The CSS that I am applying looks like this:
.class-name:focus {
outline: 4px auto #068065 !important;
outline-offset: 2px !important;
1) Is there a way to fix this or work around this i.e. have the browser draw the outline correctly for outline-style "solid" as well?
2) Where should I look to read more about this? Maybe some informal documentation or access to the relevant code?
... Set display:inline-block to your link, so layout is activated :)
test : http://codepen.io/gcyrillus/pen/GFzrs
I see no auto outline in FF 21.0