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how to save files in a loop in Matlab?

I have some geotif files and I am trying to create a mosaic out of them. I have tried to put the images beside each other first in a row and then tried to join the in columns and have the final mosaic. I would like to have the output file with the save number of the loop (outimage1,outimage2,..). I would like to know how should I introduce the output file with the sequence of the loop number.

I would be happy if someone help me find my mistake in the following code.

 close all;
 clear all;

 path = 'E:\MATLAB\...\tifs\';
 path2 = 'E:\MATLAB\...\tifs\out\';

 matfiles = dir(fullfile('E:', 'MATLAB',...,'tifs','*.tif'));

 files = {};

 image_row = [];

 for L=1:11
     for k=1:14:lf
          fname = matfiles(k).name;
          fullname = horzcat (path,fname);
          infile = imread (fullname);
          image_row= [image_row,infile];
          [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(fname);
          outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage%d%s', L, ext) );


Yours assistant is highly appreciated.


  • I am not familiar with a matlab syntax k. format(fname).
    If you want to do string formatting in Matlab - read this first.

    A solution for your problem might be

     outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage_%03d_%s', k, fname ) );

    following comment by OP, get the file format (tif):

     [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(fname);
     outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage%d.%s',ext) );