I am trying to translate a Visual-C++ code to Qt.
Is there an equivalent of _variant_t
The code is:
// Get safarray containing all vectors from multibuffer
_variant_t vaArray(function->GetAllValues(TRUE)); // Take ownership of the variant - no copying
SAFEARRAY* psa = psa = V_ARRAY(&vaArray);
// Check dimension and size
ASSERT(SafeArrayGetDim(psa) == 2); // We expect 2 dimensions
long nMaxXIndex, nMaxZIndex;
SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 1, &nMaxXIndex);
SafeArrayGetUBound(psa, 2, &nMaxZIndex);
// Use array
double* pData;
HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(psa, (void HUGEP**)&pData);
How to do it with Qt?
The Qt's equivalent is QVariant
(easy to guess). This pseudo code illustrates its abilities you may need:
QVariant va_array = some_function();
QVariantList array = va_array.toList();
int dimension1 = array.count();
int dimension2 = 0;
if (dimension1 > 0) {
dimension2 = array[0].toList().count();
int i = 42, j = 24;
double array_item = array[i].toList()[j].toDouble();