I'm trying to find the best solution:
I have a usermodel and the user should be able to save the keywords (multiple contexts) which he is interested at.
Sports: Checkbox(CB) fishing, CB Skyying, CB Tennis, CB Soccer
Music: CB Metal, CB Techno, CB Folk, CB Charts, ...
and so on...
After the user saves his selection, I would like to offer following search-functionality:
find by main category(input: sports, music,....)
find by keyword (input: sports, music, metal, fishing,....)
find by most viewed (show data with the most associated users)
and i would like to have a auto generated tag-cloud (like acts_as_taggable_on provides)
Beside this, it would be cool if the lists were easyly to administrate - Tags for example can't be used as main and subcategories (maybe this works with tag_contexts)...?
I tried this to build up with acts_as_tree, but this wasnt limited. Then I tried it with acts as taggable, but I dont get it, how i can access the tags model (there is no tag.rb file in my models folder).
Can you help me? Have you a better solution?
That sounds almost exactly like what "acts-as-taggable-on" provides.
From the readme:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_taggable_on :tags, :skills, :interests end @user = User.new(:name => "Bobby") @user.tag_list = "awesome, slick, hefty" # this should be familiar @user.skill_list = "joking, clowning, boxing" # but you can do it for any context! @user.skill_list # => ["joking","clowning","boxing"] as TagList @user.save @user.tags # => [<Tag name:"awesome">,%lt;Tag name:"slick">,<Tag name:"hefty">] @user.skills # => [<Tag name:"joking">,<Tag name:"clowning">,<Tag name:"boxing">] # example finds: User.tagged_with("awesome", :on => :tags) # => [@user] User.tagged_with("awesome", :on => :skills) # => []