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Version number comparison in Python

I want to write a cmp-like function that compares two version numbers and returns -1, 0, or 1 based on their compared values.

  • Return -1 if version A is older than version B
  • Return 0 if versions A and B are equivalent
  • Return 1 if version A is newer than version B

Each subsection is supposed to be interpreted as a number, therefore 1.10 > 1.1.

Desired function outputs are

mycmp('1.0', '1') == 0
mycmp('1.0.0', '1') == 0
mycmp('1', '') == -1
mycmp('12.10', '') == 1

And here is my implementation, open for improvement:

def mycmp(version1, version2):
    parts1 = [int(x) for x in version1.split('.')]
    parts2 = [int(x) for x in version2.split('.')]

    # fill up the shorter version with zeros ...
    lendiff = len(parts1) - len(parts2)
    if lendiff > 0:
        parts2.extend([0] * lendiff)
    elif lendiff < 0:
        parts1.extend([0] * (-lendiff))

    for i, p in enumerate(parts1):
        ret = cmp(p, parts2[i])
        if ret: return ret
    return 0

I'm using Python 2.4.5 btw. (installed at my working place ...).

Here's a small 'test suite' you can use

assert mycmp('1', '2') == -1
assert mycmp('2', '1') == 1
assert mycmp('1', '1') == 0
assert mycmp('1.0', '1') == 0
assert mycmp('1', '1.000') == 0
assert mycmp('12.01', '12.1') == 0
assert mycmp('13.0.1', '13.00.02') == -1
assert mycmp('', '') == 0
assert mycmp('', '') == 1
assert mycmp('1.1.3', '') == 0
assert mycmp('', '') == -1
assert mycmp('1.1', '1.10') == -1


  • Remove the uninteresting part of the string (trailing zeroes and dots), and then compare the lists of numbers.

    import re
    def mycmp(version1, version2):
        def normalize(v):
            return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")]
        return cmp(normalize(version1), normalize(version2))

    This is the same approach as Pär Wieslander, but a bit more compact:

    Here are some tests, thanks to "How to compare two strings in dot separated version format in Bash?":

    assert mycmp("1", "1") == 0
    assert mycmp("2.1", "2.2") < 0
    assert mycmp("", "") > 0
    assert mycmp("4.08", "4.08.01") < 0
    assert mycmp("", "3.2") > 0
    assert mycmp("3.2", "") < 0
    assert mycmp("1.2", "2.1") < 0
    assert mycmp("2.1", "1.2") > 0
    assert mycmp("5.6.7", "5.6.7") == 0
    assert mycmp("1.01.1", "1.1.1") == 0
    assert mycmp("1.1.1", "1.01.1") == 0
    assert mycmp("1", "1.0") == 0
    assert mycmp("1.0", "1") == 0
    assert mycmp("1.0", "1.0.1") < 0
    assert mycmp("1.0.1", "1.0") > 0
    assert mycmp("", "1.0.2") == 0