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VS2010 not obeying Output Path

I have a VS2010 Web Application Project that's compiled to bin\subdir\ via Output Path and without build events.

There's a few other projects that my main project is referencing but for some reason the dll's for the other projects goes into BOTH bin\subdir\ AND bin! It only applies to other projects - if I reference a dll in my main project and set it to Copy Local it will only go to bin\subdir.

I have checked that all my configurations in the main project are pointing to bin\subdir\ and that none of the other projects are pointing to the bin-folder.

How do I tell VS2010 to ONLY compile to bin\subdir\ and never touch bin\?

Edit: Just tried creating a blank web project, changing output path to a directory in the bin-folder, adding a project to the solution, referencing it and then I compiled: dll's for the referenced project wind up in both bin and the directory from output path. Could this be a VS2010 bug?

Quick fix: Put the files from your bin folder in another folder and put this in your post build event:

del /q "$(ProjectDir)bin\*"
copy "$(ProjectDir)..\lib\Sitecore Bin" "$(ProjectDir)bin"


  • It's fixed in Visual Studio 2012.