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Call a class to stop/pause slideshow on mouseenter

I am adding some new code to this Mootools slideshow.

I added thumbnails and a mouseover function that scrolls thru the thumbnails.
Now I need to make the timer on the slideshow stop/pause when mouseenter. I ma trying with the code under but got a Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method '_stopClock'.

spinAreaDiv.addEvent('mouseenter', function(){

How can I call the class _stopClock?

var Spin = new Class({
    if(!this.options.timer) { 
        return false; 
    } else {
        this.timerRunning = false;


  • this is a binding issue. when an event callback from a dom event fires, this will be the element.

    element.addEvent('something', function(){
        this === element; // true;
    // save a reference
    var self = this;
    element.addEvent('something', function(){
        this === element; // true;
        self._stockClock(); // works.
    // or. use Function.prototype.bind
    element.addEvent('something', function(){
        this !== element; // true;
        this._stopClock(); // works.
    // or even...
    this.element.addEvent('something', this._stopClock.bind(this)); // works.