I have a 2 GB CSV file with 9 M records that I import into MongoDB using the native mongoimport tool. It imports the CSV at a rate of 8K per second. The overall time taken is 10 minutes. The speed of import is quite reasonable, but it seems to be much slower than the MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE version(takes only 2 minutes to insert all of the records into the database). While this is acceptable (MongoDB is built for JSON type objects and speed ups are generally in querying and not in inserting), I would like to know if there is some way that I can speed up the number of inserts per second done in MongoDB mongoimport? I have only one computer with 8 GB RAM and 4 cores. Thanks.
Since the majority of time is likely spent serializing JSON objects into BSON (native MongoDB format) you will likely get faster import if you can split up your file and have several parallel jobs each running mongoimport with a separate file.