I'm unable to display two markers on the google maps in objective C. I'm trying to pass two values to it. I realise it might just be getting overwritten but I haven't been able to fix it yet. Please help. Here's my code from .m file:
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(toLatitudeDouble, toLongitudeDouble);
marker.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(fromLatitudeDouble, fromLongitudeDouble);
marker.map = mapView_;
Do I need to provide any more details? I'd be glad for any help I can get. Thanks a lot!
Yes, you're overriding the value. You should create another marker instead.
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(toLatitudeDouble, toLongitudeDouble);
marker.title=toLocationFromResultVC; marker.snippet=@"Destination";
// Your're overriding the value here!!
// use GMSMarker *marker2 = [[GMSMarker alloc] init]; and reference it instead in the code below.
marker.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(fromLatitudeDouble, fromLongitudeDouble);
marker.title=fromLocationFromResultVC; marker.snippet=@"Source";
marker.map = mapView_;
So, the correct code would be
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(toLatitudeDouble, toLongitudeDouble);
marker.title=toLocationFromResultVC; marker.snippet=@"Destination";
marker.map = mapView_;
GMSMarker *marker2 = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker2.position=CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(fromLatitudeDouble, fromLongitudeDouble);
marker2.title=fromLocationFromResultVC; marker.snippet=@"Source";
marker2.map = mapView_;