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Malformed android manifest violating terms

I just got an email from Google Play, notifying me that my app will be removed as "we have determined that your app has a malformed AndroidManifest.xml file which may make it difficult for users to uninstall the app"

The app is plain simple: sends the device to standby.

Here is their recommendation

In particular, the app’s AndroidManifest.xml contains a malformed Device Admin receiver entry (as identified by meta-data named To be a well-formed Device Admin, the entry must declare an Intent filter for Intents with action The suggested modification is to make the entry well-formed if the receiver is a Device Admin, or remove the meta-data named if the receiver is not a Device Admin.

And here is the part from Android manifest

            android:permission="android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN" >
                android:resource="@layout/policies" >
                    <action android:name="" >

To be honest, I don't understand how to fix it. Any ideas ?


  • The problem is likely that you've nested <intent-filter>...</intent-filter> under the meta-data tag, whereas both should be direct children of <receiver />. According to the documentation, a valid declaration should look as follows:

        <intent-filter> . . . </intent-filter>
        <meta-data />