I am new to Marionette.js and while I am refactoring my existing Backbone.js code, I noticed there are two callbacks on Marionette view (itemview) that looked to me similar, i.e. onRender and onShow. What is the difference and better way of using them ?
However, looking at source code, i think both "render" and "show" events are raised inside "view initialize".
constructor: function(){
_.bindAll(this, "render");
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
Backbone.View.prototype.constructor.apply(this, args);
this.listenTo(this, "show", this.onShowCalled, this);
: view itself doesn't trigger 'show' event. It triggers by a region. So it will not be called in some cases.
: this method executes every time the view is rendered.