I'm trying to export a list of Ransack (Railscast) results to a CSV file (Railcast). However, it keeps exporting all of the objects, instead of the results returned by the Ransack search. Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
In the Reports controller, I've tried passing both @bookings and @search.result:
def index
@search = current_user.bookings.search(params[:q])
@bookings = @search.result
respond_to do |format|
format.csv { render text: Booking.to_csv(@bookings) }\
And then the Booking to_csv method:
def self.to_csv list
CSV.generate do |csv|
csv << column_names
list.each do |booking|
csv << booking.attributes.values_at(*column_names)
Yet every time, I get the unfiltered list of current_user.bookings. Why?
To export only the filtered results as csv, you should make sure that the search parameters are included in the url you call to generate the csv.
Hence, if you want to export the results that you see on the html page you should call:
reports_path(params.merge(format: 'csv')