Is that any way to export CSSlint output to a valid XML format with ant build script?
I modified file in: tool.csslint.opts = --format=lint-xml section, but I think this is not enough, because csslint needs to specify output file like so:
csslint --format=lint-xml test.css > results.xml
How can I modify ant target to work?
Thank you.
Basics: Ant already has an output property. So you can just add the format option and output it to a file specified as an output property on the apply element. in an h5bp project this will output "output.xml" to the root of your project.
<apply dir="${dir.source}/${dir.css}"
executable="java" parallel="true"
failonerror="true" output="output.xml">
<fileset dir="./${dir.source}/">
<include name="**/${dir.css}/*.css"/>
<exclude name="**/*.min.css"/>
<exclude name="**/${dir.publish}/"/>
<arg value="-jar" />
<arg path="./${}/${tool.rhino}" />
<arg path="./${}/${tool.csslint}" />
<arg value="--format=lint-xml" />