I have an XML file that contains users identity information. I want to automate the modification and deletion of users and so far successful with deletion using XmlStarlet. Now i don't know how to modify a users information by searching it via username. Can anybody help me with the command how to modify using xmlstarlet
<column name="USERNAME">IAM_User7</column>
<column name="CONTEXT_ID">PROVCLIENT</column>
<column name="ALGORITHM">DESEDE</column>
<column name="PASSWORD">2e02f952e8743b36</column>
<column name="FAILED_LOGINS">0</column>
<column name="REALNAME">IAM User 7</column>
<column name="VALIDFROM">2013-06-03 00:00:00.0</column>
<column name="VALIDUNTIL">2014-06-01 00:00:00.0</column>
<column name="USER_TYPE">1</column>
<column name="LOCKED">0</column>
<column name="CHANGED_BY">tam</column>
<column name="ORGANISATION_NAME" is_null="true">null</column>
Thanks in advance
Something like this? (lock the user with username "IAM_User7")
xmlstarlet ed -u '/table/row[column[@name = "USERNAME"] = "IAM_User7"]/column[@name = "LOCKED"]' -v 1 table.xml
Assuming table.xml
contains the content in the question.
To add a new user is unfortunately quite tedious, This is just the first 2 fields:
xmlstarlet ed -s /table -t elem -n row -v '' \
--var new '$prev' \
-s '$new' -t elem -n column -v IAM_User8 \
-s '$prev' -t attr -n name -v USERNAME \
-s '$new' -t elem -n column -v PROVCLIENT \
-s '$prev' -t attr -n name -v CONTEXT_ID \
Requires version 1.4.0 or higher (for --var
and $prev
; it's possible to use earlier versions with ugly tricks).