I have this stored procedure:
exec sp_Defect_B '2013-05-20 00:00:00','2013-05-25 23:59:59'
Which has a IF..ELSE
to execute different thing depends on the code given:
alter proc [dbo].[p_Defect_B] (@dtFrom datetime, @dtTo datetime)
[No] int, TSampel float
-- Total
insert into @Total
select 1 as [No], SUM(H.Total) as TSampel from TrxDBHHDr HH
left join TrxDBHdr H on HH.DBNO=H.DBNO
left join ProductType PT on H.ACd=PT.ACd and PT.GCd=1
where HH.Deleted=0 and HH.DBDate between @dtFrom and @dtTo
DefectCd varchar(15),Name varchar(50), Defect float
-- Defect
insert into @Defect
select D.DefectCd,DB.Name,sum(coalesce(D.Qty,0)) as Defect from TrxDBHHDr HH
left join TrxDBDtl D on HH.DBNO=D.DBNO
left join ProductType PT on D.acd=PT.ACd and PT.GCd=1
left join DefectBK DB on DB.DefectCd=D.DefectCd
where HH.Deleted=0 and HH.DBDate between @dtFrom and @dtTo
group by D.DefectCd,DB.Name
Name varchar(50), Defect float, TSampel float, PDefect float
insert into @SubTotal
select D.Name,D.Defect,T.TSampel,D.Defect*100/T.TSampel as PDefect from @Defect D
left join @Total T on T.[No]=1
order by PDefect desc
[No] int,Defect float
insert into @TotalD
select 1, Sum(D.Defect) as Defect from @Defect D
insert into @SubTotal
select 'Total Defect', D.Defect, T.TSampel, D.Defect*100/T.TSampel as PDefect from @TotalD D
left join @Total T on T.[No]=1
select * from @SubTotal
I execute the code in SSMS and it worked perfectly. But when I try to use the code in C# Windows application it doesn't get any value.... How is that possible? Did I miss anything?
Only this stored procedure didn't return table value....
I tried using temp table, table variable, they still didn't return table value...
This is the C# Code:
sql= "exec p_Defect_B '2013-05-20 00:00:00','2013-05-25 23:59:59'";
RunQuery qu_data = new RunQuery();
DataTable data = new DataTable();
data = qu_data.OpenAdoQuery(sql,"IP")
This is part of my program of my connection C# to SQL Server
myCon = new OleDbConnection(strCon);
DataTable myData = new DataTable();
OleDbDataAdapter myOleAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
myOleAdapter.SelectCommand = new OleDbCommand(sql,myCon);
, didn't work.You should really use the SqlConnection
then connecting to SQL Server - and you should execute your stored procedure using a standard SqlCommand
- don't use the EXEC....
Try this code:
// setup connection and command
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(-your-connection-string-here-))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.p_Defect_B", conn))
// define command as stored procedure
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// define and set parameter values
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dtFrom", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = new DateTime(2013, 5, 20);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dtFrom", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = new DateTime(2013, 5, 25, 23, 59, 59);
// execute your query
// get a data reader to read the values from the result set
using (SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// iterate over the result set
while (rdr.Read())
// fetch the values - depends on your result set - YOU NEED TO ADAPT THIS!
var value1 = rdr.GetInt(0);
var value2 = rdr.GetString(1);