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Execute backing bean action on load?

I would like to build a results page for a report export page. This results page must display the status of the export and offer the download of this export.

The export is done in an action method. I can execute it via a commandButton but it must be executed automatically on load.

How can I accomplish this?


<h:commandButton value="Download report" action="#{resultsView.downloadReport}"/>

Backing bean:

  public String downloadReport() {
    FileDownloadUtil.downloadContent(tmpReport, REPORT_FILENAME);
    // Stay on this page
    return null;

Clarification: Is this feasible with a4j? I thought of a solution that an Ajax request triggers my downloadReport action and its request is the file download.


  • You can also solve this in JSF 2.0 using component system events, specifically the PreRenderViewEvent.

    Just create a download view (/download.xhtml) that fires a download listener before render.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{}"/>

    Then, in your report bean (defined using JSR-299), you push the file and mark the response as complete.

    public @Named @RequestScoped class ReportBean {
       public void download() throws Exception {
          FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       private void pushFile(ExternalContext extCtx,
             String fileName, String displayName) throws IOException {
          File f = new File(fileName);
          int length = 0; 
          OutputStream os = extCtx.getResponseOutputStream();
          String mimetype = extCtx.getMimeType(fileName);
             (mimetype != null) ? mimetype : "application/octet-stream");
          extCtx.setResponseContentLength((int) f.length());
             "attachment; filename=\"" + displayName + "\"");
          // Stream to the requester.
          byte[] bbuf = new byte[1024];
          DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
          while ((in != null) && ((length = != -1)) {
             os.write(bbuf, 0, length);

    That's all there is to it!

    You can either link to the download page (/download.jsf), or use a HTML meta tag to redirect to it on a splash page.