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How does one sign cloudfront urls for files stored on s3?

I will attempt to answer this question with the hope of helping others who come across the same concern. Also with the hope of someone pointing out what I am missing (if any) or improvements along the way.


  • The first thing you will need is to create a key pair at (Key Pairs tab). Which will provide you with a key pair id and a pem file (save the pem file in your project dir).

    In your AWS Cloudfront portal, create a distribution. Select yes for Restrict Bucket Access.

    Click yes for Grant Read Permissions on Bucket. This will add a bucket policy allowing your Cloudfront distribution to read files on your S3 bucket.

    Create the distribution.

    In your S3 bucket, have a file that is not public. i.e. no read permissions. In this case, we will test this against test.png.

    url = ""
    key_pair_id = 'your_aws_key_pair_id'
    expires_in = 1.minute
    expires = ( + expires_in).to_i.to_s
    private_key ='private_key_file.pem'))
    policy = %Q[{"Statement":[{"Resource":"#{url}","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":#{expires}}}}]}]
    signature = Base64.strict_encode64(private_key.sign(, policy))

    Hope this helps someone. If there is a need for improvement / suggestions for this solution, do mention.