I decided to make a code with a friend and wanted to be able to crack (decode) it with this program. Basically what I want is one word to equal another for example the word "be" would show in the program as the word "ok".
So I have the raw_input to put the words to crack in. Say I put in the sentence "hi friend" how would I get it to come out as for example "dog crazy". Also if I put in "dog crazy" to come out as "hi friend".
Sorry if this is hard to understand but I'm not sure how to explain it to well.
I am using Python 2.7.3. Thanks.
Based on simonzack idea but with some improvements and fixing.
mapping = {
'hi': 'dog',
'friend': 'crazy',
# Add to mapping dog->hi and friend->crazy automatically.
mapping.update({v:k for k, v in mapping.items()})
# Convert using mapping.
print(' '.join([mapping.get(w, w) for w in raw_input().split()]))
% python sol.py
hello crazy friend
hello friend crazy
% python sol.py
crazy dog
friend hi