I just got my metawatch package to play with. I am thinking to play with firmware on Linux as a hobby. But I am new to USB programming. So there is a starting rocky question from me.
The clip is a FTDI device. I browsed FTDI site, there are two types of driver: D2XX for direct access, and VCP (virtual COM port) driver to be used as a COM port.
My first plan is to see how to use one of the two drivers to write an app as firmware flasher.
My understanding is to flash firmware I need to use serial port to download the firmware to the watch. As the clip is acting as a media between pc and watch, I can't use D2XX APIs to flash firmware. VCP driver would be choice. Am I right about this?
Btw, would be any suggestion for starter to do usb/firmware programming?
Thanks in advance!
It appears the metawatch standard package clip comes with an FTDI device embedded in it allowing a serial port connection. So yes, you will need to install the VCP driver. This driver is built into the linux kernel. See the installation guide for more information.
Sachi Murthy Applications Engineer FTDI Chip, USA