I have created an Android project in Netbeans (with nbandroid plugin) and I have added the AndroidAnnotations jars in the libs and I have created the custom_rules.xml as explained here: https://github.com/excilys/androidannotations/wiki/Building-Project-Ant. The project compiles and runs without problem. But the generated classes are not recognized by the editor, so no code completion for enhanced classes like MyActivity_. Also the editor shows compilation errors but there are no errors when compile or run.
How can I configure Netbeans to recognize the generated classes?
Well, I have finally solved this:
Just edit the custom_rules.xml:
<property name="generated.dir" value=".apt_generated" />
<property name="generated.dir" value="gen" />
Now Netbeans will see AndroidAnnotations generated sources as any other Android generated file.
Do not forget to clean & build to generate the files in its new location.