I am working on nmea processing for gps trackers, where I am processing it as a list of values on this way
information package exmaple
gprmc, hdop, altitude, state, ad, baseid, csq, journey = information.split('|')
ptime, gpsindicator, lttd, ns, lgtd, ew, speed, course, pdate, dd, checksum = gprmc.split(',')
Then, sometimes data packages are bigger, however are well formed, it is because some customers re-configure devices with extra data than they need and make my program crash, so I am looking for a way that my code doesn't crash in these cases.
use slices
gprmc, hdop, altitude, state, ad, baseid, csq, journey = information.split('|')[:8]
data = gprmc.split(',')
ptime, gpsindicator, lttd, ns, lgtd, ew, speed, course, pdate, dd = data[:10]
checksum = data[-1]
in python 3.x You can use wildcard
gprmc, hdop, altitude, state, ad, baseid, csq, journey, *_ = information.split('|')
(ptime, gpsindicator, lttd, ns, lgtd,
ew, speed, course, pdate, dd, *_, checksum) = gprmc.split(',')