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Device specific error - s3dReadConfigFile "Can't open file for reading."

I'm developing an application that communicates over the local network, and am trying to test on multiple devices. I have a Droid Incredible and a Samsung Galaxy S3 for testing right now. When I run the application on the Incredible, all works as intended. However, when I run the app on the GS3, I get the following error in LogCat:

< s3dReadConfigFile:75 >: Can't open file for reading

A team mate with another GS3 does not get this error when he runs the application on that device also gets this error, but it took him a while to find it because of the volume of log output. What is the possible cause? Is this a configuration issue, a hardware issue, or something in my code?


  • After several months of developing and continuing to receive this error on multiple devices running multiple apps, it seems at least to be a system issue. It does not result in any issues running apps on GS3s versus other devices, and it's also likely not anything to do with my code.

    I have no idea what it means or how to mitigate it, but if you're receiving the error, you can probably just ignore it.